Draymond Green Just Completely Eviscerated Dillon Brooks

Thearon W. Henderson. Getty Images.

The basketball world rarely agrees on anything. Everything is a debate on some level. Well, that is almost everything. The one thing there seems to be a consensus about is that nobody and I mean nobody likes Dillon Brooks. Opposing fanbases, Grizzlies fans, NBA players, Shannon Sharpe, it doesn't seem to matter who it is. 

The thing is, not only does Dillon Brooks do highly questionable things on the basketball court that often times lead to injury, he also talks a bunch of shit for a guy that really isn't that good. You can't be a dirty player, kinda stink, and then also talk a whole bunch of shit, especially when you haven't won a damn thing in the NBA. Fortunately, if a player like that actually does win, and wins a lot, he unfortunately is allowed to talk all the shit he wants.

Enter Draymond Green

I mean god damn. That was a murder. I know Draymond has his faults, but I have to tip my cap here. That was a complete evisceration. 

"The dynasty starts after you, not with you."

That's tough. It's also not wrong. How could anyone forget his 31/32% performance in last year's series against the Warriors, including a brutal 11-28 performance in Game 5. Brooks is not a guy who has any sort of situational awareness, he just thinks it's Dillon Brooks time at all times. The best part about Draymond's rant is it's all true and deep down he knows that Brooks knows it's true. All Draymond did is say out loud what I'm sure everyone in the league is already saying. That's what makes this so good. 

Oh yeah, guess who plays tomorrow?

Talk about perfect timing. Something tells me that wasn't an accident. These two teams already had beef dating back to last season, so adding some fuel to the fire before their next game is exactly what I'm looking for. Surely Dillon Brooks won't respond by doing something iffy on the court involving Draymond who will absolutely not overreact in his response. Can't wait.

Giphy Images.

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